Hacking Was Never about “How to hack” this and that , there is so many youtube channels out there who make videos like “how to hack “ or how to use a certain tool , rather then explaining the underlying concepts. understanding concepts on a lower level , and using those concepts to discover and go on an endless journey of learning ,is what i call hacking . that’s how at least i look at it,but it really takes a lot of time and unfortunately it’s not that simple.. I believe the following quote holds true, so don’t expect to become a skilled hacker in one night

anyone can master a skill with 10,000 hours of practice

so what i recommend doing is :

Learn How to use Linux

Learn About Assembly and C

I highly Recommend Watching This Youtube Playlist

Practice programming - it doesn’t matter what (website, game, mobile app, …)

Don’t pay for shitty “ethical hacking courses”

Watch LiveOverFlow Or JohnHammond.

Play random CTFs from ctftime and afterwards study writeups of challenges you couldn’t solve

Play wargames like overthewire, PicoCTF

here is also a curated list of ressources that will help u through :

Systems :

Corelan Team’s Exploit writing tutorial

Exploit Writing Tutorials for Pentesters

Understanding the basics of Linux Binary Exploitation

Reverse Engineering :

Tutorials :

Reversing for Newbies

A Reverse Engineering Approach

Tools :


The famous Tool developed by NSA’s Research Directorate: Ghidra



dotPeek - a free-of-charge .NET decompiler from JetBrains

ILSpy - an open-source .NET assembly browser and decompiler

dnSpy - .NET assembly editor, decompiler, and debugger

Web :

Free class for web security by Hackerone

World’s largest Infosec and Hacking Portal.

Web Security Academy: Free Online Training from PortSwigger

Hack The Box is an online platform allowing you to test and advance your skills in cyber security.

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