In this Page you will Find massive ressource list to get started with learning a new language , So if :
- You are a begginer look for the 👶 emoji. It highlights resources for beginners.
- You are Willing to spend some money to improve your skills look for 💲 emoji it indicates paid content.
- You are looking for Some resources that are recommended for everyone, then look for ⭐ emoji.
Table of Contents :
Coding Resources - How to learn xyz
- Python
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Android Development
- Backend Development
- Frontend Web Development
- Full-stack Web Development
- Data Structures
- Alexa Tutorials
- C Language
- C++ Language
- Git and Github
- R Language
- Haskell
- MongoDB
- Prolog
- C# Language
- DevDocs
- Docker
- Microsoft Technologies
- Scala
- Programming Notes for Professionals
- MATLAB/Octave
- Go Language
- Hackathons and Events
- Student Benefits and programs
- Open Source Programs
- Internship Programs
- Podcasts
1. Coding Resources
1.1 Python
- Learn Python CodeAcademy
- Progate Python Classes 👶
- Video Tutorial for absolute beginners YouTube 👶
- Intro to Python Udacity
- Python For Everybody
- Learning Python: From Zero to Hero
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python ⭐
- The New Boston Python Youtube 👶
- Think Python 2e - Green Tea Press
- A Byte of Python
- Project Euler - Great for practicing writing Python codes
- A Whirlwind Tour of Python
- Python Data Science Handbook
- Python Class By Google ⭐
- Intro to Python for Data Science
- Python 3 for humans that want practical project exposure
- Learn Python the Hard Way
- Best GitHub Repositories to follow
1.2 Machine Learning
- Best Online Courses
- CSE-229 - Stanford University
- AndrewNg Coursera - Select individual course if it consists of multiple then click on audit below the trial/payment options
- Machine Learning - Nanodegree Udacity 💲
- Reinforcement Learning - Nanodegree Udacity 💲
- Move 37 -
- ML with Python YouTube
- Data Science Machine Learning Bootcamp - 💲
- Machine Learning Crash Course Google Developers
- Applied Data Science with Python Specialization Coursera -Select individual course if it consists of multiple then click on audit below the trial/payment options
- Machine Learning Kaggle
- Best GitHub Repositories to follow
- Research Papers
- Test ML Models on Datasets
- Book for Machine Learning
1.3 Deep Learning
- Best Online Courses
- Deep Learning Specialization Coursera - Select individual course if it consists of multiple then click on audit below the trial/payment options
- Deep Learning Fast.AI
- Deep Learning Kaggle
- Best Online Books
- Best GitHub Repositories to follow
1.4 Android Development
- Free courses & Nanodegree Udacity
- PluralSight - Android Developer Track 💲
- Path to Associate Android Developer
- Google Android Codelabs
- Flutter Widget Tour
- Android examples
- Flutter Examples
1.5 Backend Development
- - Fast, offline, and free documentation browser for developers. Search 100+ docs in one web app: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, Python, Go, C, C++…
- Introduction to backend
- Django - Python
- Flask - Python
- The Flask Mega Tutorial 👶 + Intermediate
- Node.JS
- NodeSchool Workshops Open Source :heart:
- The Complete Node.js Developer Course Udemy 💲
- Express web framework (Node.js/JavaScript)
- Learn and Understand NodeJS 💲 - Intermediate
- Node JS Tutorial for Beginners YouTube 👶
- Node.js Documentation ⭐
- Node.js Design Patterns by Mario Casciaro - Book Advanced level
- [Node.js API Design] (
- Node.js handbook by Flavio Copes - 👶
- Mixu’s Node book
- What You Need To Know About Node.js (Email address requested, not required. By Packt)
- Express.js - Production Security Best Practices
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial
- Learn Ruby The Hard Way
- Learn Ruby Codecademy - Familiarity with Ruby before Rails
- Learn Ruby, Dev Concept and More Upskills with Upcase - Familiarity with ruby and coding concepts
- SoloLearn: Learn to Code for Free! 👶
- Ruby Tapas - Short, Focused Screencasts covering Intermediate to Advanced Ruby concepts and techniques, design principles, testing practices, refactoring, etc.
- Why’s (Poignant) Guide to Ruby
- RailsCasts - Video tutorials on more intermediate Ruby on Rails topics.
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial - Learn Web Development with Rails
- MongoDB
- Software architecture
1.6 Frontend Web Development
- Frontend Masters 💲
- Frontend Roadmap
- Frontend Mentor FREE
General Assembly Dash FREE (General Assembly Dash currently works best in Microsoft Edge as of 10-2018)
- HTML5 and CSS3
- CSS Tricks “Complete Guide to Flexbox”
- CSS Tricks “Complete Guide to Grid”
- CSSFX - Beautifully simple click-to-copy CSS effects
- HTML and CSS Tutorials 👶
- Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages
- Intro to HTML and CSS Udacity
- Write quicker HTML5 and CSS 3 Learn Code Online
- Flexbox Interactive
- freeCodeCamp
- HTML & CSS Catalog Codecademy
- Interneting is Hard
- HTML MDN Web Docs
- CSS MDN Web Docs
- Codrops CSS Reference
- The Odin Project
- HTML Dog Tutorials
- 30 Seconds of CSS
- CSS Grid
- CSS Flexbox Wes Bos
- CSS-The Complete Guide (incl. Flexbox, Grid & Sass) (Udemy Paid) Good for beginners
- Advanced CSS and SASS - (Udemy Paid)
- flexbox cheatsheet
- Flexbox Froggy CSS Learning Game
- Flexbox Zombies
- CSS Reference: A Visual CSS Cheat Sheet Good for beginners
- HTML Reference: A Visual HTML Cheat Sheet Good for beginners
- Learn to Code HTML & CSS: Shay Howe
- BitDegree-Learn HTML
- BitDegree-Learn CSS
- Bootstrap4 Course with Projects Learn Code Online
- BitDegree-BootStrap 4
- [Bootstrap4 Tutorial for beginners] (
- [Bootstrap4 blog top] (
- [Bootstrap4 Documentation] (
- JavaScript
- JS MDN Web Docs
- javascript info
- Javascript30 Wes Bos
- Intro to JavaScript Udacity
- JavaScript Docs and Live examples
- JavaScript: Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming
- JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford ⭐ 💲
- You Don’t Know JS (book series) ⭐
- Eloquent JavaScript Online
- JavaScript Design Patterns Udacity
- Theodinproject
- Introduction to JavaScript freeCodeCamp
- HTML Dog
- Javascript Tutorial for Beginner Complete Course 2018 YouTube
- 33 JS concepts every JavaScript developer should know
- 30 Seconds of Code
- example.js js by example CodePen
- Foundations of Programming in JavaScript 👶
- Learning JavaScript Design Patterns
- BitDegree-JS Basics
- Wes Bos list of courses
- freeCodeCamp
- SoloLearn: Learn to Code for Free! 👶
- ES6 Cheatsheet
- RegexOne Regular Expression course
JavaScript Frameworks
- Angular
- Angular 7 - The Complete Guide by Maximilian Schwarzmüller Udemy 💲
- The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced by Mosh Hamedani Udemy - 💲
- Angular Expo - Beautiful showcase of websites, applications and experiments using Angular
- Made With Angular - Gallery of inspiring websites using Angular/AngularJS
- Learn Angular 7 in 50 minutes - A free beginner’s crash course 👶
- Build your first Angular app - 33 interactive screencasts to take you from beginner to advanced
- React.js
- React JS - Conference Videos
- Learn React for free Scrimba
- Video Tutorials - Beginner to Intermediate YouTube
- Complete React Tutorial (& Redux) YouTube
- ReactJS Tutorial Codecademy - Interactive
- FreeCodeCamp Articles
- Few Projects for every React Dev
- Famous GitHub Repos
- React 16 - The Complete Guide (incl. React Router 4 & Redux) 💲 - Worth it
- Hello World React.js Org
- The Road to React Book
- React For Beginners Wes Bos 💲
- Advanced React Wes Bos 💲
- React Fundamentals Tyler McGinnis 💲
- Modern React with Redux Udemy 💲
- React Native
- Redux.js
- Vue.js
- Web Accessibility
- Angular
- Frontend DevTools
1.7 Data Structures
- Online Platforms
- CodeChef - CodeChef competitive programming site
- CodeSignal - (formerly CodeFights)Fun gaming approach to Coding contests and Interview practices.
- Codeforces - Great site for preparing for programming contests
- GeeksforGeeks - Must do coding questions for product based companies
- Hackerearth - Code Monk to start with programming - programming fundamentals
- Hackerrank - Interview preparation kit
- InterviewBit - Best platform to get prepared for Data Structures based interviews
- InterviewCake - An interactive interview prep site for DSA and some System Design with free 3 week access through Github student pack
- AlgoDaily - Daily interview questions sent by mail, as well as a full course and online IDE as well as visualizations and tutorials to solve the problems
- LeetCode - Platform to prepare for technical interviews with real interview questions
- Sphere Online Judge - Great head start for learning Data Structures
- UVa Online Judge - The site to submit Competitive Programming 3 data structures problems
- Codewars - Interesting ranking system with beautiful UI for competitive programming and interview prep.
- CodinGame - Competitive programming with game like challenges
- CS50 on HarvardX - One of the best computer science courses available online (💲 for certification)
- Codility - Develop your coding skills with lessons to take part in challenges
- Zen of Programming - A frequently updated blog great for beginners and simplified references.
- Tutorials & Practice
- Visual Algo - Understanding DS & Algo through animations.
- E-maxx - Russian version of popular e-maxx, An excellent set of study material for DS & ALgo. English version of e-maxx. (Translation is almost complete)
- All Good Tutorials on Codeforces - All of the best tutorials on Codeforces all at one place.
- DS & Algo + Maths + C++ - Another set of good compilation of resources to study.
- Data Structures and Algorithms - Another set of good compilation of resources to learn and practice. This one is done by Codechef.
- Problem Topics - Topic-wise list of problems.
- Cracking the Coding Interview
- Excercism - Code practice and mentorship.
- Leet Code
- Books
- Competitive Programming by Felix Halim and Steven Halim
- The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Programming Contests - Goto book for competitive programming enthusiasts.
- CLRS - Holy Bible for Design and Analysis of algorithms
- Algorithm Design by Kleinberg Tardos - Another goto book for easy to understand algorithm design and analysis
- Coding Interview University - Github - Strongly recommended to learn DS and Computer Science fundamentals
- Algo & DS in different languages - Algorithm and Data Structure in different programming languages
- Clean code - Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship 💲
- Domain Driven Design - Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software 1st Edition 💲
1.8 Alexa Tutorials
- Learn Alexa Codecademy
- Fact Skill Tutorial - Build an Alexa Skill in 6 Steps Amazon
- Comprehensive Alexa Skill Development course Udemy 💲
- Building Alexa Skills from Scratch YouTube
- Developing Alexa Skills for Amazon Echo PluralSight 💲 (Free 10-day trial)
- Alexa Skills Development Qwiklabs
1.9 C Language
1.10 C++ Language
- HackerRank
- Programiz
- Hackr.Io
- Learn C ++
- Fluent CPP
- C++ Class Google for Education
- Tutorials Point
- GeeksForGeeks
- C++ For Programmers Udacity
## 1.11 Git and Github
- Git Tutorials
- How to use Git and Github Udacity
- Version Control with Git Udacity
- Introduction to Git and Github YouTube
- Pro Git Book
- LearnGitBranching
- GIT PURR! Git Commands Explained with Cats!
- git - the simple guide
- GIT: A Visual Git Reference
- Mastering Git by thoughtbot
- Git - Progate - ⭐
- Intoduction to Git for DataScience
1.12 R Language
- RStudio
- Kaggle Kernels
- R-Bloggers
- Introduction to Data Science by Rafael A. Irizarry
- R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham
- Swirl
- Hands-On Programming with R by Garrett Grolemund
- Introduction to Statistical Learning with R
- Advanced R Programming
- R for Dummies
1.13 Haskell
1.14 MongoDB
1.15 Prolog
1.16 C# Language
- LearnCS
- TutorialsPoint
- SoloLearn
- Learn C# building a simple rpg
- DotNetPerls - C# Reference
- The “Yellow Book”: Introduction to C# Programming by Rob Miles
- MSDN C# Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners
1.17 DevDocs
- API documentation for most programming languages - Works offline
1.18 Docker
1.19 Microsoft Technologies
1.20 Scala
- Books
- The Neophyte’s Guide to Scala
- Programmin in Scala A book written by the programming language author, Martin Odersky among others. The first edition is avalible for free
- Online Courses
- Functional Programming Principles in Scala A course taught by the programming language author, Martin Odersky.
1.21 Programming Notes for Professionals
1.22 MATLAB/Octave
1.22 Full-Stack Web Development
1.23 Go Language
2. Hackathons and Events
2.1 Competitions 🏆
- Accenture Innovation Challenge Online & Onsite
- ACM - ICPC Online & On-Site
- CodersBit Online
- Facebook Hacker Cup Online
- Code Gladiators Online & Onsite
- E-Yantra Online & Onsite
- Red Bull Basement University -
- Shell Ideas360 Online & Onsite
- Sony World Photography Awards – Youth Award Online
- Doodle 4 Google Online
- UN - Volunteer -
- India Innovation Challenge - IICDC Online & Onsite
- Quest Ingenium -
- ROBOCON Onsite
2.3 Hackathon Search Portals
- HackSociety India ALL
- DevPost Online & On-site ALL
- HackerEarth Online & On-site ALL
- Global ALL
- TechGIG - Search Online Competitions Online & On-Site ALL
- Analytical Vidya Online & On-Site Data Science
- [Online & On-site] Global ALL
- Dare2compete Online & On-site India ALL
2.4 Events 🎫
- Google Developer Day - Organized by GDG
- Google IO extended - Organized by GDG
- Google Solve for India
- Paytm Build for India Workshops [ Delhi, Bangalore ]
- NVIDIA Developer Connect [ Global ]
- AWS meetups [ Global ]
- BrazilJS Conference August, RS, Brazil
- Hackathon at the NS [Netherlands]
- Hacktoberfest
2.5 Startup Summits, Competitions and Bootcamps
- Eureka - IITB Mumbai, INDIA
- MIT - Entrepreneurship Bootcamp Online & USA
- Startup Grind Global Conference Redwood City, California
- Next Gen Summit New York
- Y Combinator’s Startup School Online
- School of AI Rome, Italy
- European Innovation Academy Portugal, China
- Startup Weekend - DTU Delhi, India
- Watson School Incubator USA
- DevMountain UT, AZ, TX
- Product School Online, USA, & Toronto
- HackerYou Toronto
- BrainStation Online, USA, & Canada
- Lighthouse Labs Canada
- RED Academy Canada
- Flatiron School Online, USA
2.6 Hiring Challenges
- Google Kickstart Online
- CodeAgon- Codenation Hiring Challenge Online
- Codhers- Adobe Hiring Challenge Online
- CodeUrWay- Visa Hiring Challenge Online
3. Student Benefits and Programs
Campus Ambassador Programs
- Microsoft Student Partner - Application Deadline - August
- GitHub Campus Experts
- College Representative - E-Cell IITB
- Internshala Student Partner - ISP
- Progate Student Ambassador
- ISB - YLP Campus Ambassador Program
- GeeksforGeeks Campus Ambassador
- HackerEarth Campus Ambassador
- HackerRank Campus Ambassador
- Interviewbit Campus Ambassador
- Dell Campassadors Program
- Intel Ambassador Program
- Codechef Campus Ambassador
- Ingressive Campus Ambassador
- Mozilla Student Ambassador
- Frontbench Campus Ambassador
Student Benefits and Packs
- GitHub Student Developer Pack - Free Resources for Students
- Visual Studio Essentials - Access to Microsoft Premium Services
- Microsoft Imagine Pack - Tools and subscriptions for Students
- Microsoft Azure - $100 Azure credit for students
- Free Microsoft Office 365 for Students
- JetBrains Students pack
- AWS Educate
- Google Cloud
- Intel Developer pack
- Google Reskilling India Program Pluralsight
- Free .tech domain for 1 year dot tech Domains
- Free Web Hosting for 1 year Znetlive
- Bitbucket Education
- Namecheap free .name Domain
- Autodesk Education software for students
- Invision Free app for Education
- Canvas File Sync
- Pytorch Scholarship Challenge - Udacity Application Deadline - October 23rd 9:30PM PST
- Grants, Awards AND Opportunities For Indian/Canadian Scholars
- Facebook Developer Circle Scholarship Program - DataScience/Frontend Dev
- Coding Bootcamp Scholarships - Course Report
- Apple WWDC Scholarship Application Deadline - Mid-April
- Technology Scholarship Program - Udacity Application deadline - November 6th, 2019
- Goldman Sachs Global Scholarship and Mentorship Program Applications are welcomed in December - January period.
- Grace Hoppers Conference Program Applications are opened in mid-January.
- Facebook Grace Hopper Scholarship 2019 Applications are opened in March - April before the registration for GHC starts.
- Venkat Panchapakesan Memorial Scholarship Applications are opened in the period between May and August every year.
- Women Techmakers Scholars Program Applications are opened in June-July every year.
- GHC India Student Scholarships Applications are opened in the months of May - June every year.
- Adobe India Women-in-Technology Scholarship Application are opened in September - October every year.
- Microsoft Scholarship Program Applications open in October 2019!
4. Open Source Programs
- Google Summer of Code Google
- Rails Girls Summer Of Code Global
- GNOME internships GNOME
- Radare Summer of Code
- DataONE Summer Internship Program DataONE
- BOSS Coding Blocks, INDIA
- GirlScript Summer of Code - Prizes & Goodies
- Season of KDE KDE Prizes
- The X.Org Endless Vacation of Code X.Org
- Free Software Foundation internships Free Software Foundation
- Outreachy
5. Internship Portals
For summer internship, start looking at least 3-4 months in advance.
- Angel List
- Internshala
- Vettery
- LinkedIn Contact HRs on LinkedIn
- Hackkar
- LetsIntern
- Intern Supply
- Indeed
6. Podcasts
- Technology
- Code Newbie
- The Bike Shed
- Soft Skills Engineering
- Programming Throwdown
- Hanselminutes
- Startup and Entrepreneurship
- StartUp
- How I Built This
- The Pitch
- The Growth Show
- Scrum master toolbox
- Life
- Unf*ck your brain
- By the Book
- Strength and Scotch
- Happier with Gretchen Rubin
- The Minimalists
- Other
- Tracks to Relax
- Unladylike
