
It appears that my cat has gotten itself stuck in a tree… It’s really tall and I can’t seem to reach it. Maybe you can throw a snake at the tree to find it? Oh, you want to know what my cat looks like? I put a picture in the hints.


the first thing that came to my mind is tree command whether it is in linux or windows , the tree is a recursive directory listing program that produces a depth indented listing of files ! so after extracting the compressed file given you will notice many folders like at least 1337 folders ! by doing tree you will encounter some jpg files

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if you search for images only u will find like 1300 images. A quick look at the images shows that there are two images that are cloned.

alt text almost all the images are the same so i guess we have to find a different one , we can find that unique image by its size using ls and grepping through the size

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lets find that unique image by doing

find ./ -name ENP92.jpg and we can open it with eog later alt text and voila there u go !

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